James Brandon offers High Quality and Professional Comedy Magic Shows at Competitive Prices. Grand Illusion shows or small icebreakers are always a hit especially with added audience participation. Perfect for company events, parties, sales meetings and fundraisers.
James Brandon has starred and emceed thousands of his own shows in Atlantic City, Monte Carlo and on the Las Vegas strip including headlining in “Imagine” at the Luxor Hotel. After starring in the 3 Family Channel specials, “The Great Magic of Las Vegas”, James decided to devote his full attention to performing Comedy Magic and Custom Illusions for the Corporate Entertainment and Trade Show market all over the United States and anywhere in the world.
James has received the coveted Siegfried and Roy Golden Lion award in Las Vegas, Europe’s Golden Mandrake and top honors at the World Magic Olympics in Japan.
Magic creates wonderment and interest which will draw traffic and ultimately translate into crowds and solid leads at your Trade Show booth in the USA or anywhere in the world James Brandon’s routines can be customized to meet all the objectives of your company.
“At one point, we were working with some hard-to-impress buyers at the booth. Their moods instantly lifted when you charmed them with your magic and humor while highlighting our new product. They ended up placing a 50k order. You are pure gold!” Carrie Rigsby - Squire Boone, Marketing Director
Magic effects can be designed to amplify your goals and display your concepts. We can achieve this thematically, with logos, product placement or by creating new effects on the drawing board.
Seen here with Malcolm Forbes and Sting, James can perform audience participation close-up magic effects for the guests at your next corporate event in the United States. Custom Magic or the use of your company logo can maximize the impact.
The CEO can be the star of the show as your VIP appears by magic, assists in the routines or actually becomes the magician for part or all of the show.
Magic Shows have long been a staple for family gatherings and all sorts of private events across the United States. In the days of Covid 19 James makes sure that the comedy and magical entertainment is in no way compromised while safety is in all ways maximized.
Top Ten Reasons why James Brandon is YOUR answer if the question is, “Should I Hire a Comedy Magician for my next Corporate Event?”
Magic + Comedy = Success!
Combining the powerful presentation of an award-winning magician and the laughs of a stand-up comedian create a unique and surprising performance.
Blend that with safe and hilarious audience participation and each show becomes a fresh and original experience that everyone at your next private or corporate event will love!
Better than a Corporate Comedian
Corporate event comedians can be effective but too often step over the line or reuse dated material and can fail to build a connection to the audience. Since James tailors his comedy based on his interactions with the audience, everyone is in on the joke as they see the hysterical scenarios unfold right before their eyes.
Better than a Corporate Magician
Some magicians and mentalists come across as though their main objective is to try and fool the audience. James decided long ago that instead of pitting himself against the audience he would much rather work with them to build an entertaining and joyous experience.
Safe for All Audiences
With decades of experience in the corporate entertainment market, James knows never to do material that is political, sexual, racial or religious so that all of his shows, corporate events or private parties, are safe for EVERY type of group, young and old alike.
Great Production Value
James Brandon’s Grand Illusion Show spent years touring the world with truckloads of magic, props and scenery. In recent years he has worked hard to scale his private and corporate magic shows so that your audience will get high-quality entertainment without all of the manpower, physical footprint and complications that are indicative of an elaborate production and the savings are passed on to you. All of his props and costumes are custom designed and tailored to his unique shows and the music is specially chosen and edited to create a truly festive and upbeat experience.
Professional and Experienced
James has performed in over 30 countries, 100’s of television shows and in every type of performing venue so there are very few situations he has not come across and tackled. Whatever might arise, James will work with you and your team to make sure everyone emerges victorious. That is probably why most of his corporate event clients are repeat customers.
Customized Magic Routines
James Brandon is considered to be a true original in the magic industry. He is responsible for designing and building some of the most iconic effects in the history of magical entertainment. For this reason he has many clever ways to integrate your logos, messages and products into some or all of his magic routines.
Affordable Pricing
James Brandon’s successes in Show Business could easily cause buyers to brace themselves for astronomical pricing but he prides himself in being able to work within almost any budget so you can bring his unique magical entertainment to your next corporate event. With your next call you'll be able to secure world-class entertainment at local prices.
Energetic and Enthusiastic
James has a relaxed and reassuring demeanor prior to the show but when the lights come up he bursts onto the stage with electrifying exuberance. No matter how big or small your group is James performs every show as if it's the most important one of his career and yours. Remember that when the audience applauds for him they are really thanking YOU.
Star Power Yes, Diva No
James Brandon has all the charisma and gravitas of the seasoned professional that he is but rest assured that his main priority is the overall success of your special event. You will find him to be extremely accommodating and abundantly calm. His refreshingly down-to-earth attitude and friendly personality not only helps offstage but clearly comes across on stage as well.
What got you interested in performing Magic Shows?
As a successful radio personality my father interviewed many fascinating people when I was a kid. One of whom was a Canadian magician named Doug Henning. Doug was promoting his new Broadway Magic Musical. It was just before I turned 12 and my family was invited to see the show. I loved all the magic and I couldn’t stop talking about it so my sister got me a starter set for my birthday gift. For the next few years my dad would drive me just about anywhere just so I could do a $10 show. By the time I was 16 I was performing at nightclubs practicing the act I took to Europe as soon as I graduated from high school. (MORE).
Who is the Greatest Magician of All Time?
Naturally any answer is going to be subjective however I’ve always thought that David Copperfield had the best mix of production, style and humor in his presentations. As for the most famous magician of all time, Harry Houdini’s name will forever be synonymous with great magic.
Is the Best Entertainment for a Company Party really Magic and Comedy?
Magic and clean comedy is a great icebreaker for any type of event where people are hoping to have a fun and upbeat shared experience. Not only is the Magic compelling but when it’s blended with hilarious comedy it’s a winning combination for every kind of audience.
What is Strolling Close Up Magic?
Strolling magic is where the magician interacts with just a few people at a time as he moves group-to-group or table-to-table. The magician provides micro miracles in a close up and personal way using small or borrowed items and lots of good-natured humor. A professional magician does not interrupt a group while they are actively in the middle of conversation but rather moves steadily to the guests to enhance their experience at your event.
How can Magic be used to Launch a New Product?
Using Custom Magic and Las-Vegas-Style Illusions is an extremely memorable way to launch a new product or product line into your industry. With a little lead-time I can work closely with your company to develop ideas for magic routines which will showcase your product’s features and deliver your important messaging goals.
How to Drive Traffic to a Trade Show Booth using a Magician?
Experienced trade show magicians are not just attention grabbers they are attention keepers. When I perform magic at a trade show booth I am not trying to blend in the sales folks. I am the bait so while my costumes are tasteful and professional they are also eye-catching and alluring. My job is to attract customers to your trade show booth from a distance. I do this by piquing their curiosity and satisfying their innate hope that they will see something unique on their trade show journey. I not only familiarize myself with the products and purpose of your booth but I also learn the names of my coworkers so I can introduce them to our new prospective clients as my friends. In short, I make your trade show booth stand out as I generate leads, put them in a good mood and then seamlessly hand them over to your expert team.
What sort of Consulting do you do?
I’ve been honored to do magic consulting for all the various types of entertainment industries. Music videos, television shows, films and commercials. (MORE).
Do you also Perform Magic for Private Parties and Events?
Yes, I absolutely do. I started my career as a private party entertainer and I have always enjoyed getting to connect with all of the enthusiastic folks after my performance. (MORE).
How Far will you Travel?
I have done Magic and Illusion Shows all over the world and have gone as far Santiago, Chile for a 5-minute TV spot and Bali, Indonesia to perform an 8-minute corporate icebreaker for Deutsche Bank.
Do you run a Safe Show during the Covid-19 Pandemic?
Coronavirus has hit everyone hard and people are longing for a return to normalcy. That being said, safety has always been a priority where it comes to my performances. My shows always operate with an understanding and adherence to the guidelines of our clients and venues.
How Do I Hire a Magician Near Me?
You have already taken the very first and most important step to hiring a magician. You are doing your research. If you are reading a question like “How do I hire a Magician Near Me?” then you are clearly detail oriented. I travel extensively for my shows and would like to be the Magician near you but if I’m not or if I am unavailable then I will be very happy to help you find a great magician that is both reliable and entertaining.
Why don’t Magicians Reveal their Secrets?
Sorry but I can’t tell you that. Actually there is a fine line between sharing knowledge to pass on the great traditions of magic and exposing the secrets just to gain popularity and profit. There are magic teachers, books and on line courses for people who have a calling to learn. I am against revealing secrets just to satisfy a non-magicians curiosity. Most people are disappointed with the answers anyway. The real fun is watching a Master Magician entertain and wield his or her craft with style and agility.
Why haven’t you performed on “America’s Got Talent” (AGT)?
Although I’m honored to have been contacted every season by the very persuasive producers of “America’s Got Talent” (AGT), I have repeatedly answered that I have left the competitive part of my career far behind me. I choose instead to cheer on my many magician friends who have performed so brilliantly on competitive television shows such as “America’s Got Talent” and “Fool Us”. What viewers don’t know is that in most cases magicians can’t use the music and lighting that they are used to. Also in many cases the magicians can’t control the order that they perform their signature effects and have no say in how the routines are edited. I am so impressed with the many magicians who are able to adapt and even thrive under these artistic constraints.
What Types of Things can a Magician do in a Magic Show?
Here is a Complete List of all the Principles and Types of Magic:
A magician can make a person, animal or thing appear by magic from out of nowhere.
A magician can make a person, animal or thing vanish by magic so that it is no longer anywhere to be seen.
A magician may cause a person, animal or thing to teleport from one place to another by using various magic techniques.
A magician can transform a person, animal or thing into something entirely different or cause it to magically change its shape or size.
A magician can perform a transposition, which will cause a person, animal or thing to change places with a different person, animal or thing.
A magician can make a person, animal or thing levitate in the air using various magic techniques and visual illusions.
A magician can restore something that was seen to have been torn, dismantled or otherwise destroyed.
A magician can animate something that was previously inanimate or scientifically incapable of animation.
A magician can cause something to penetrate another something in a way that would be impossible without the use of magic tricks or illusions.
A magician may show a person, animal or thing to be invulnerable to damage, injury or death by using various magic techniques and visual illusions.
A magician may demonstrate mind control over a person, animal or thing by using various magic techniques and visual illusions.
A magician can demonstrate identification or prove knowledge of a thing that is unknowable without the use of magic techniques. These magic effects are usually performed by magicians under the banner of mind reading or “mentalism”. An example would be divining the name a card someone is thinking of or the name of a childhood pet. This category would also include the thought transmission or the correct prediction of a future event.
A magician can escape from a myriad of different types of constraints such as handcuffs, straightjackets, ropes, locks, chains and boxes. These types of routines are usually performed by magicians but can also be done by specialists called escape artists or escapologists.
1300–650 B.C. - References to magic are abundant in the ancient Greek myths among the classical founding pagan cultures of Europe, connected to the neighboring Egyptian & Persian ones. Often centered around women of divine origin, nymphs & priests, from Ariadne to Calypso, Circe to Medea, Hermes to Hecate, magic, divination & necromancy are widespread & intertwined with chthonic Gods & monsters, oracles & heroes.
50–300 A.D. - The Acetabularii performed the Cups & balls in ancient Rome using stones & small vinegar cups.
400–1000 - The Dark Ages; little is known about the history of magic, but much of it was associated with the occult.
1000–1500 - The Middle Ages is where the growing trading nature of society allowed some street or circus performers to make a living out of old classic magic tricks such as the cups & balls & in fact more modern ideas such as cheating by short changing via sleights with coins & other small objects.
1584 - Reginald Scot publishes The Discoverie of Witchcraft a book designed in part to counter the activities of persecutionists, but at the same time revealing many conjuring & magic secrets of the day. Magic & witchcraft were linked, & many copies of Scot's book were burnt in the early 17th century.
1720- Isaac Fawkes performances at fairs left him with a fortune of nearly ten thousand pounds. Among his tricks were a card on the ceiling with any card called for & his bag of many eggs. His booth is featured in Bartholomew Fair by Hogarth with a sign that says "Dexterity of Hand."
1750 - Joseph Pinetti, "considered to be the major figure of 18th century magic," is born. "Pinetti is said to be the first recorded performer to do the "thumb tie effect" & he also performed second sight, exhibited automata & the orange tree illusion.[4]
1805 - Year of birth of Magician èJean Eugne Robert-Houdin (died 1871). The "father of modern magic", who brought magic from the street & circus side shows to an elegant stage or drawing room setting.
1874 - Year of birth of Magician Harry Houdini A.K.A. King of Cards & King of Handcuffs (died 1926 because of a ruptured appendix). Real name Ehrich Weiss, he achieved fame as a magician, illusionist & escapologist.
1876 - The first publication of Modern Magic. Written by Professor Louis Hoffmann (1839–1919) (Real name Angelo John Lewis), it was a definitive work on the state of the art of that time.
1877 - Martinka & Co. was founded by Francis & Antonio Martinka, it was run by Houdini in 1919 & is still in existence.
1894 - Year of birth of Magician Dai Vernon (died 1992). A.K.A. "The Professor" & "The Man That Fooled Houdini". He was born as David Frederick Wingfield Verner in Ottawa and was one of the most influential 20th-century performing-arts magicians.
1898 - Lewis Davenport Ltd. was founded, the oldest family magic business in the world & still in existence today.
1902 - May 10, The Society of American Magicians is founded at Martinka's Magic Shop in New York City, New York. It is the oldest magic society in the world.
1905 - July - The Magic Circle was formed. Its first President was Magician David Devant. This is a prestigious organization for magicians & has strict rules against exposure. (It expelled its founder twice for alleged exposure, something it has done to many famous magicians.)
1907 - Jan 15 - The Australian Society of Magicians, the fourth oldest magical society in the world, was founded in Sydney, Australia. Meetings were first held at Queen’s Hall, Sydney.
1911 - Our Magic by Nevil Maskelyne & David Devant – arguably one of the most important books of magic theory – is published.
1911 - The Mysto Magic Company incorporated by Gilbert, Gilbert, & Petrie.
1918 - Houdini first performs Morritt's Vanishing Elephant at the Hippodrome on January 7.
1918 - The South African Magical Society (SAMS) was formed. SAMS is also affiliated to the London Magic Circle.
1921 - P.T. Selbit performs the first "Sawing in half", something that is, in the present day, synonymous with the art of stage magic.
1926 - On All Hallows Eve at 1:26 pm, Harry Houdini dies. A statuary bust of Houdini was placed at the grave, possibly the only one of its kind in a Jewish cemetery.
1949 - The first publication of Royal Road to Card Magic Written by Jean Hugard & Fred Braue, it's still an important first text for card workers today.
1952 - The first publication of Modern Coin Magic Written by JB Bobo, considered by some the "bible" of coin magic, many other works reference this one.
1963 - The Magic Castle is formed by Bill, Irene, & Milt Larsen in Hollywood USA by converting a 1908 Victorian mansion to a centre of magical excellence. Many leading magicians have performed there. Dai Vernon was a resident magician in the latter part of his life.
1968 - The book Thirteen Steps To Mentalism by Corinda was published & is one of the most famous books on mentalism.
1972 - The Magic Towne House was opened by Ed Davis and is New York's first magic show spot. It featured such notables as Frank Garcia, Jack London, Harry Blackstone, Jr., etc. Performers who got their start there included Johnny Ace Palmer & Michael Chaut. Years later Chaut would organize Monday Night Magic after The Magic Towne House closed in the 1980s.
1974 - The musical The Magic Show starring Doug Henning opens on Broadway & ushers in a new "Golden Age" of magic.
1977 - Marco the Magi presents Le Grand David & his own Spectacular Magic Company premieres on February 20 in Beverly, Massachusetts. It runs for 35 years & becomes the longest running "Resident Magic Show" in history.
1977 - Jeff Sheridan, a street magician in New York's Central Park, publishes STREET MAGIC - An Illustrated History of Wandering Magicians & Their Conjuring Arts. Published by Dolphin Books, an imprint of Doubleday & Company.
1988 - The Houdini Museum opens in Scranton, PA. The only building in the world dedicated to Houdini. The exhibit was originally in NYC at The Magic Towne House, NY's first & original Houdini Museum.
1990 - Siegfried & Roy open their show at the Mirage hotel using tigers, elephants & horses in their epic magic illusions.
1994 - The first ”www” magic stores appear following the older text type newsgroups & bulletin boards. Pictorial & information sites soon follow, changing the way magic is learned & distributed.
1995 - Siegfried & Roy Golden Lion Award Winner James Brandon is featured on “The Great Magic of Las Vegas” and goes on to Star in “Imagine” at the Luxor Hotel & Casino bringing original magic illusions to Las Vegas.
1997 - The Masked Magician, Val Valentino, provokes much controversy by exposing magic secrets on major Fox TV specials.
1997 - David Blaine brings "Street Magic" to America.
1998 - World Of Illusion at Madison Square Garden launched the career of Criss Angel, followed by Criss Angel’s “Mindfreak” which ran until 2003.
2011 - Destroyed by vandals, Houdini's gravesite bust returned secretly at cost of $10,000.
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Corporate Magic & Trade Show Magic provided to USA, Internationally and all over the United States.
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